Asme section 1 pdf
Asme section 1 pdf

asme section 1 pdf

However, the affects of stress concentra- tons are most important when determining fatigue Ite. Consideration of the effects of stress concentrations is not normally required when determining the static strength of a lifter component see Commentary for para. Resolution of leads into forces and stress values affecting structural members, mechanical compo- nents, and connections shall be performed by an accepted analysis method. Customary units Commentary: The requirements of this Standord are presented wherever possible ina manner that is rensionally independent, thus allowing application of these raquirements using either U.Ĭustomary units are the primary units used in this Standard. Customary units are to be regarded as the standard. Customary units as the primary units followed by the International System of Units SI in parentheses as the secondary units. This requirement has been established in recog: nition of the impact that the performance of a lifting device has on workplace safety, the complexity of the design process, and the level of knowladge and training required to competently design litting devices. This Standard serves as a guide to designers, manufacturers, purchasers, and users of below-the hook lifting devices, Commentary: This Standard has been developed in response to the need to provide clarification of the intont of ASME Com- pliance with requirements and criteria that may be unique to specialized industries and environments is outside of the scope of this Standard, Lifting devices designed to this Standacd shall comply with ASME B ASME The design crite set forth are minimum requirements that may be increased at the discretion of the lifting device manufscturer or a qualified person.ĭesign Responsibility Lifting devices shall be designed by, or under the direct supervision of, a qualified person, Commentary: Although slways implied, this provi sion now explicitly statos that the dosign of bolow the hook lifting davices is the responsibility of a qualified person. Related titles.Ĭarousel Previous Carousel Next. Uploaded by Daniel Document Information click to expand document information Date uploaded Mar 23, Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. BTH-1 addresses only design requirements. Compliance with requirements and criteria that may be unique to specialized industries and environments is outside of the scope of this Standard. The provisions in this Standard apply to the design or modification of below-the-hook lifting devices. Digital products are restricted to one per purchase.

Asme section 1 pdf